Güncelleme Tarihi: 29 November 2024

Visitors: 56

About Introduction to Programming and Quiz for Introduction to Programming Courses



A quiz will be held for the Introduction to Programming course on December 3 at 09:35, and for the Programlamaya Giriş course on December 5 at 12:50. The classrooms where the quizzes will take place are listed below.
Classrooms for the Introduction to Programming quiz:
Conference Hall 3-1 (3rd Floor, Faculty of Sport Sciences)
Computer Laboratory (2nd Floor, Faculty of Sport Sciences)
Classrooms for the Programlamaya Giriş quiz:
Classroom 3 (Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences)
Classroom 4 (Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences)
Classroom 10 (Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences)
Classroom 14 (Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences)