Güncelleme Tarihi: 03 February 2025

Visitors: 21

Attention to Students Who Will Make Course Selection for the 2024-2025 Spring Semester

Students must consider the following points when selecting courses:

1) 4th-year students enrolled in the Turkish and English Computer Engineering programs are required to select 5 elective courses.

2)Bitirme Projesi and Graduation Project courses are continuations of the *Mühendislik Tasarımı and Engineering Design courses. When selecting these courses, you must choose the advisor you have previously agreed upon.

3) İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği II*and **Occupational Health and Safety II courses offered in the 3rd year must be selected by students following the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 curricula in the Turkish and English programs. Students following the 2021-2022 curriculum and later must select the **Occupational Health and Safety II** and **Occupational Health and Safety II** courses offered in the 4th year.

4) İşletim Sistemleri and Computer Operating Systems courses offered in the 3rd year must be selected by students following the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 curricula in the Turkish and English programs. Students following the 2021-2022 curriculum and later must select the Bilgisayar Ağları and Computer Networks courses.

5) Turkish Program students following the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 curricula must select 1 Departmental Elective and 1 USD course in their 3rd year. English Program students following the 2020-2021 curriculum must select 1 elective course in their 3rd year. Turkish Program students following the 2021-2022 curriculum and later** must select **2 Departmental Electives** and **1 USD course**, while English Program students must select 3 elective courses.

6) Kalite Yönetimi course is for students who have previously taken this course and failed.


  • Elective courses offered for the 3rd Year English Program: BMI3241 File Organization, BMI3242 Remote Sensing Technologies, BMI3243 Embedded Systems
  • Elective courses offered for the 3rd Year Turkish Program: BLM3248 Dijital Dönüşüm , BLM3243 Gömülü Sistemler
  • Elective courses offered for the 4th Year English Program: BMI4242 Game Programming, BMI4246 Optimization Theory, BMI4247 Computer Vision And, BMI4244 Pattern Recognition, BMI4241 Parallel Programming
  • Elective courses offered for the 4th Year Turkish Program: BLM4244 Örüntü Tanıma, BLM4248 Bilgisayar ve Ağ Güvenliği, BLM4246 Optimizasyon Teorisi, BLM4247 Bilgisayarla Görme ve Görüntüleme Teknikleri , BLM4241 Paralel Programlama, BLM4242 Oyun Programlama

All of our courses with prerequisites require that students have completed the respective prerequisite course (“… should have been taken”), and this applies to students who enrolled in 2021 or earlier as well. For example, to enroll in the Electronics course, it is sufficient to have completed the Circuit Analysis course. If a student has not taken or has failed the prerequisite course due to absenteeism, they cannot enroll in the dependent course.

### Lists of Students Who Will Take the Following Courses:

- 3rd Year BLM3201 İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği II
- 3rd Year BMI3226 Occupational Health and Safety II  
- 3rd Year BLM3225 İşletim Sistemleri 
- 3rd Year BMI3225 Computer Operating Systems