Güncelleme Tarihi: 21 July 2022

Visitors: 585

General Information

It is a department that deals with basic engineering science principles and aims to provide theoretical and applied electrical engineering education at the undergraduate level. Our department was established in 2018 and is growing its education quality and research with an increasing trend. In this framework, the Department of Electrical Engineering is ready for education in three departments with 3 Associate Professors, 4 Assistant Professors, 1 Lecturer and 2 Research Assistant;

*Alternative Energy Systems

*Electrical Machines

*Electrical Power Systems

In our department, besides basic engineering concepts, education is given in the fields of electricity, electronics, power electronics, design and analysis of power systems, renewable energy sources, electrical machines and electromagnetic fields. Students who successfully complete the four-year education program are given an Electrical Engineer diploma. Theoretical lessons are supported by laboratory practices. Also, a total of 40 business days industrial internship is compulsory for graduation. Graduates of our department work in consultancy companies in the fields of electricity, electronics and communication, as well as in all fields that require R&D activities. Our graduates can work in Atom Energy Institution, TEDAŞ, TEİAŞ and other electricity companies, in the electronic and communication sector, national and international companies, radio and TV broadcasting organizations, internet services related organizations and health sector research, development, production and marketing units, universities. They have job opportunities in organizations such as Vestel Elektronik, Türk Telekom, Türkcell, TUBİTAK, TAI, ASELSAN, Renault, Beko and universities or research centers worldwide.