Güncelleme Tarihi: 08 January 2024

Visitors: 159


Council of Higher Education (YÖK); In May 2016, 8 universities in 8 fields were designated as specialized universities. In this context, our university has been designated as a specialized university to work in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems. In addition to other education and research activities, our university has focused especially on its field of specialization, Intelligent Transportation Systems, and has carried out many workshops and activities. Again in this context, the "Intelligent Transportation Systems Application and Research Center" was opened at our university with the regulation number 30241 published in the Official Gazette on November 15, 2017. Our university achieves its new goals through BAUSMER within the scope of the specialization mission given by YÖK. I have been working as BAUSMER Manager since the day it was founded. BAUSMER trains manpower specialized in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems with thesis Master's and Doctorate programs in the Department of Intelligent Transportation Systems within our Institute of Science. We have a total of 156 students and 25 graduate graduates enrolled in our graduate programs so far. In the 2022-2023 academic year, we have 47 students enrolled in our Thesis Master's program and a total of 13 students enrolled in our PhD program. 25 Master's and 10 PhD students will participate in September 2023.