Güncelleme Tarihi: 27 Mayıs 2022
Gösterim: 2067
10-16 May Disabled Week Environmental Cleaning Event
Under the leadership of our University's Social Responsibility and Volunteering Coordinator and Women, Family and Community Services Application and Research Center and the coordination of Assoc. Dr. Aybeniz Akdeniz AR, within the scope of the Rectorate/Volunteering Studies course, a group of 120 students and their advisors Dr. Instr. Arzu BULUT and one of the faculty members of the Software Engineering Department who is Dr. Instr. Fahrettin Burak Demir have carried out environmental cleaning at 4 important points from Kirazlı Monastery to Ballıpınar, the important centers of the Kapıdağ Peninsula. The event, which was held under the supervision of disabled individuals and their families, also made the meaning and importance of the event even more important for our students due to the 10-16 May Disabled Week. While our students enrolled in the volunteering course were performing volunteering activities, it was also meaningful that they carried out environmental activities by helping people with disabilities.